Speak Now by Kasy Long

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This Play is the copyright of the Author and must not be Performed, Copied or Sold without the Author's prior consent


SAMANTHA LOVELESS (SAM): Mid-20s, flashbacks to early 20s in first
act, aggressive and sarcastic in manner

KATE SHAWS: Mid-20s, flashbacks to early 20s in first act, perky and
energetic in manner

GREG WILLIAMS: Mid-20s, flashbacks to early 20s in first act,
determined to win love

BEN ADAMS: Mid-20s, flashbacks to early 20s in first act, desperate
for love

JACOB SHAWS: Mid-20s, flashbacks to early 20s in first act, supportive
older brother of KATE SHAWS



DR. WALKER: Mid-40s, strict college professor

MR. PETERSON: Mid-30s, professional wedding preacher

A small number of wedding bridesmaids, groomsmen, wedding guests,
restaurant customers and an orchestra ensemble may be added to the


Various locations in Madison, Wisconsin, mostly focused around a
college campus and wedding chapel. Set design is very basic.


Five years. The 21st century. ACT 1, SCENE 1 begins with a wedding.
ACT 1, SCENE 2 flashbacks five years into the past.


SCENE 1…....Wedding chapel….....Early evening 2013
SCENE 2…....College classroom…..Early morning 2008
SCENE 3…....College dorm room…..Later that day 2008

SCENE 1…....The Lover's Kitchen restaurant…Night 2008
SCENE 2…....Street in Madison, WI…Same night 2008
SCENE 3…....Bridal dress shop…...The next month 2008

SCENE 1…....Wedding chapel….....Early evening 2013
SCENE 2…....Wedding reception hall…Night 2013


(Set in a beautifully decorated wedding chapel. Two rows of chairs are
decorated with white lace. A wedding arch decorated with pink and
yellow flowers stands CS. A small orchestra ensemble sits DSL, finding
their music and plucking their strings. MR. PETERSON stands underneath
the wedding arch, wearing a choir robe and looking at his Bible. GREG
WILLIAMS and BEN ADAMS stand next to MR. PETERSON wearing tuxedos.)

(Enter a group of wedding guests CSR. They sit down in the chairs.)

BEN: (leaning over to whisper into GREG'S ear) Are you nervous?

GREG: Are you kidding me? I am never nervous, especially today.

BEN: You should be.

GREG: Why? Do you know something I don't know? You know I hate when
you keep secrets from me.

BEN: Sam is here. I saw her drive into the parking lot. She stepped
out of her car in a dress. That can only mean one thing. She's
coming to the wedding.

GREG: Sam Loveless?

BEN: Yes, Sam Loveless. Do you know another Sam?

GREG: I don't need your sarcastic humor right now. Do you know why
she is here? She wasn't invited to the wedding.

BEN: I don't know why she decided to come here, but I have a very
bad feeling about this. She is here to ruin the wedding. I can sense

GREG: Why does she want to ruin our wedding? This is very important to
us. I'm not going to mess around with her childish games.

BEN: Oh, I can think of a few good reasons why she would want to stop
the wedding. You are marrying Kate Shaws, Sam's former best friend.
You forced Kate not to have Sam be her maid of honor, which pretty
much ended their friendship. Neither one of them wanted to end their
friendship. They have dreamed of being each other's maid of honor
since they were five years old, but it all changed with you.

GREG: Sam and I have our differences. You know that.

BEN: She is back for revenge.

GREG: She's back for revenge because I wouldn't allow her to be
the maid of honor for my wedding? (sarcastically) Oh, that is really
mature of her.

BEN: That isn't the only thing you did to her.

GREG: What else did I do to her that was so horrible?

BEN: You told her that no one will ever love her. I believe you told
her that her love life is like her last name -Loveless. She will never
fall in love. That hurt her feelings so much. You don't know how
much it tore her apart.

GREG: Oh, and how do you know about this? Are you suddenly BFFs with

BEN: She has talked to me a few times about it. I didn't necessarily
want to talk to her. She isn't my favorite person in the world, and
I guess you feel the same way about her. I don't know she makes
me extremely nervous, and I don't know why. I just want to make sure
she is okay. You can deny it all you want, but she is your friend too.

GREG: I told her all of all of those things five years ago. She should
be over it by now.

BEN: Greg, we all know that she is in love with you.

GREG: What? Samantha Loveless loves me? (laughs hysterically) Oh,
please! You're lying to me.

BEN: It's the truth.

GREG: Sam does not love me.

BEN: Fine, believe what you want, but if she ruins the wedding,
don't come crying to me.

GREG: Well, where is she? We don't even know if she is staying for
the wedding. She could have just stopped by to give Kate a card or
flowers. (very nervous) We don't know if she's going to ruin the

BEN: Yeah, you could be right, but I am sure the blond demon is around
here somewhere.

(The orchestra ensemble begins to play "Pachelbel's Canon in D."
Two bridesmaids enter CSR and walk down the aisle, holding beautiful
bouquets. They stand next to MR. PETERSON. KATE SHAWS enters CSR in a
beautiful, old-fashioned wedding dress. JACOB SHAWS guides her down
the aisle. GREG walks over to her. JACOB kisses KATE'S cheek. KATE
and GREG hold hands and turn toward MR. PETERSON.)

(Enter SAM LOVELESS CSR, secretly. She sits down in an empty chair.)

PETERSON: Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight
of God and in the face of this company to join together this
man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be
honorable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be
entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently, discreetly,
advisedly, and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons
present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why
they may not be joined together let them speak now or forever hold
their peace.

SAM: (slowly standing up and raising her hand) Excuse me? I need to
say something.



[end of extract]

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