
Falling Upward


Ray Bradbury

Published by Dramatic Publishing

0 Female

The small Irish village in which this play is set actually exists and was visited years ago by Bradbury and his friend, film director John Huston

This is a village, as a critic puts it, that Bradbury has "...immortalized with his lilting language and intoxicating comedy"

The Los Angeles Times critic continued, "Bradbury has taken a frightful risk, mixing the grimy habitues of a murky village pub with the arrival of five hothouse roses, dandified male tourists who materialize like sprites from The Tempest

They have left the light of Italy to travel to the darker north specifically to stand in St. Stephen's Green and experience the turning and falling of the leaves

The sun and the snow, the darkly clothed Irish and the creamy -clothed visitors come together

The result is a curiously affecting fable that joins two wildly clashing cultures in a paean to mutual acceptance and love"

The opening of this play was an evening of Irish delight. As the Los Angeles Times critic suggested, "It seemed natural that Ray Bradbury would have an Irish play in him. What is not so expected is how fey and heartfelt it is"

Browse Library

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