
Employee of the Year

Michael Todaro

Published by Cyberpress

8 Male 5 Female

QHIOS is large Multinational Corporation with ties to many countries around the world and billions of dollars in profits

The exact product or service that OSHIOS provides is vague at best

. In fact the company is so big and diluted that most employees are hard pressed to answer, "What is OSHIOS?"

However they know what they do, but not what the big picture is

OSHIOS prefers it that way

Their yearly Employee of the Year party has been held in years past in Aspen, the French Riviera, Brazil and many other exotic and fancy locations

This year, primarily for legal reasons, they have decided to open up its year-end company party to include non-management types from all branches of their wide reaching corporation

Also for the first time, lower level employees will be considered for the coveted OSHIOS Employee of the Year award

They have decided to rent out "this" facility this year to make the event more "accessible" to all of the first time invitees


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